

Worked on with Charlotte perry at Bear and Pear.
View project at bearandpear.co.uk >>

Visual identity, print design and illustration for #iwill campaign focused on connecting children with the natural world.

The #iwill campaign works with organisations UK-wide to embed support for youth social action in their culture and practice. Developed with Eden Project Communities, this series of resources for schools, aimed at primary and lower-secondary school students, are designed to help young people get involved in environmental social action and encourage them to get the most out of helping nature to thrive.

Comprising a set of bright, primary coloured, nature-inspired shape cutouts with sketchy, hand-drawn elements, the visual identity acts almost as a kit of familiar, easy to create elements to encourage both students and teachers to get creative with nature themselves.

Featuring a series of games, activities, teaching aids and worksheets, the #iwill4nature kit is packaged in a single box which can be posted directly to schools.


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